This week we are talking about one of the first things I ditched to rid our home of unnecessary chemicals -
Dryer Sheets
Did you know that dryer sheets aren't required to list ingredients? Yup! Several studies have determined dryer sheets contain chemicals that are known ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS (endocrine system includes: hormones, blood sugar, thyroid, weight management, fertility and more). The chemicals also inflame asthma issues, headaches and irritate skin.
There's a cheaper and better way!!
I switched our family to wool dryer balls. (There's an affiliate link to the ones like we got on Amazon on the right of this page) Our clothes come out dry and fluffy, just like before, but without the chemicals. I add Young Living lavender essential oil when washing PJ's and towels, purification blend for a smelly load, gentle baby for the kiddos, and I can change the scents to match the mood or season. I've not missed the dryer sheets at all- nor the cost!
Please - DO YOUR RESEARCH, check the brand you are using on site and see how it ranks. I did my research and determined they aren't worth the cost or risk to my family. You can read more details about our health issues and WHY we decided to ditch household chemicals in my "WHY" post.
Here's a few articles to answer your questions about dyer sheets and how they affect you, the kiddos and even pets: from Dr. Axe, from Healthy Living, & The Spruce.
Ditch the Chemicals and swap for Young Living Essential Oils!
Young Living sells chemical free cleaners, laundry detergent, soap, tooth paste, sunscreen, deodorant, baby wipes, etc. in case you don’t desire the adventure of making it yourself. (See my other posts and videos to see the products I make for our home)
Want to know what others are saying about oils? These websites provide more info and outcomes:
Ready to start your oily journey?
Here's how to purchase Young Living Essential Oils and Oil products:
I started with the Young Living starter kit. This kit contains the most commonly used oils, a diffuser, and samples of their popular products. The Premium Starter Kit includes: a diffuser of your choice, 11 oils, sample packaged oils, small bottles to mix your own blends or share the oils, 2 NingXia Red drink samples and lots of informational booklets/magazine/info cards.
To become a Young Living member you must have a current member to Enroll/Sponsor you. Your sponsor is there to answer your questions, share their experience and offer ideas to effectively use the oils.Here's how to purchase Young Living Essential Oils and Oil products:
I started with the Young Living starter kit. This kit contains the most commonly used oils, a diffuser, and samples of their popular products. The Premium Starter Kit includes: a diffuser of your choice, 11 oils, sample packaged oils, small bottles to mix your own blends or share the oils, 2 NingXia Red drink samples and lots of informational booklets/magazine/info cards.
I would love to be your Young Living sponsor & enroller!
Enter my sponsor number # 10089755
Watch this video on Vimeo to show you click-by-click process to sign up, then use this link to actually Purchase your starter kit and get oiling! #Swapped4YL
Enter my sponsor number # 10089755
Watch this video on Vimeo to show you click-by-click process to sign up, then use this link to actually Purchase your starter kit and get oiling! #Swapped4YL
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