3. HOW to purchase Young Living Essential Oils #Swapped4YL

Today I wanted to answer some questions about enrollment and explain the process.

*How do I purchase from YoungLiving or set up a login on the website?
At the top right of your computer screen (or the bottom of your mobile screen), there is a "Become a member" link. This will take you to a page where you choose to be a retail or wholesale member (more on these options below). Then it will take you to a page to choose a starter kit. There are various starter kits with different overall costs, so choose what makes sense for your family's WHY. Maybe it is an oil starter with the 11 oils and diffuser, or the Thieves cleaning kit, Antioxidant drink/supplement kit, or the Savy Minerals Make up kit. Here’s an easy to follow click-by-click video from Young Living that shows exactly how to sign-up on the website: https://vimeo.com/147354370

*What are the Pros and Cons? 
*What is a wholesale account?
By signing up for a wholesale account you are getting 24% off Young Living products. This is definitely the cheapest way to purchase Young Living. By being a wholesale member, you are classified as a “distributor” for Young Living. This does NOT mean you are obligated to sell – ever (seriously!! I had a wholesale account for a year before I decided to sponsor/enroll others). It DOES mean that you are agreeing to a non-compete clause; basically, you can’t sell oils or work for another wellness company while you are a distributor or for six months after terminating your agreement.

*What if I’m not sure yet, but I want to buy a couple things to test first?
If you want to just try one or two oils or products, you can sign up for a retail customer account on the website. This means paying full price, but you are free from the distributor contract.

*Why a starter kit instead of just a few oils?
 I originally planned to just sign up for a retail account and purchase the five oils that I wanted to try; however, I started adding up the costs and realized that didn’t make good financial sense. The costs of those five oils at retail would be almost the same amount as the starter kit, but I was only getting 5 oils instead of 11, and the kit has a diffuser (which was a must for me!). So this helped me choose the wholesale account.

*How much do I have to purchase? Is there a monthly/yearly minimum?
Another reason why I love Young Living- there’s NO minimum purchase and no monthly purchase requirement! To stay active as a wholesale member, just place at least one order of 50 PM (PV = Point Value, which is about $50) per YEAR. If you happen to miss the minimum yearly order, you can call customer care and reactivate your account by placing a 100PV order. The first year after getting my starter kit I purchased sporadically as I was financially able to swap chemicals out of my home and replace with Young Living products and oils. I recently realized that since I’m now placing an order every month, I’m crazy for not joining Essential Rewards Program (more below about these rewards).

*I'm sure what's holding you back from your starter kit is exactly what I wrestled with - the cost
First – I would never tell you to spend money that you don’t have. We have a family budget, and like I said before, sometimes oils were in our budget and some months they weren’t. I still make a “wish list” of oils I want and share that with my hubby and family for Birthday and Christmas gift inspiration. My main goal was to swap out chemicals from our home (read my post on why I ditched chemicals). As we ran out of an old cleaning product, I would write the product on a separate list (not my grocery list) with the amount that I would normally pay for that product next to it. I was amazed at how quickly that list reached $160, the cost of the Premium Starter Kit. So this justified that I was going to spend this money on cleaning supplies anyway -but instead of chemicals, the starter kit was able to replace all the cleaning products on my list.

Second – You can share your oily journey with friends, coworkers, family, community and social media. When others use you as an enroller/sponsor, you get a check ($50)for referring them (in Kentucky we call that a ‘bird-dog fee’). A great video to explain this compensation process is: https://youtu.be/T9Mw-e5w9DE So snap pictures to share how you use the oils or host a party to let others try the oils so they can learn more about the wellness products offered by Young Living, and you can get more money for your oily purchases. 

*Tell me more about the Essential Rewards program
This is an optional program that gives enrollees free oils, reduced shipping, and other promotions as a Thank You for purchasing monthly (which is how I’m able to build an oil stockpile on a budget!). Some products, like vitamins, come in about a 30 day supply so you can place these items on monthly auto purchase through Essential Rewards. But the order is also fully customizable so you can change the products you order each month, change the amount you spend, and even change the date that the order is placed. You can also cancel this program at any time. Again - you are not required to purchase particular products, but of course the more you spend the more promotional items you earn. After being on the rewards program for 3 months you'll find an extra oil as a "thank you" in your order. They give free oils at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. This is like doing your grocery list – but delivered to your door!  For more about Essential Rewards visit the Young Living Essential Rewards FAQ Page

Ready to start your oily journey? 

To become a Young Living member you must have a current member to Enroll/Sponsor you. Oils come with a learning curve, so your sponsor is there to share their experience and offer ideas to effectively use the oils.

I would love to be your Young Living sponsor/enroller!
Enter my sponsor number # 10089755 or
 just use the link below to sign up.

Use this link to Purchase your starter kit and get oiling!

Share your oily journey with me! #Swapped4YL
Or PM me on our Facebook page
Visit my Pinterest boards for oily recipes and YouTube videos of recipes!

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