DIY Mouthwash
What's in your mouthwash? Have you ever flipped the bottle over and actually read the ingredients? Have you looked up the ingredients or scanned it with EWG (here's what EWG says about scope: waste your money and wellness on additives, synthetics and dyes? Swap that junk for Young Living! #swapped4yl Here's a super easy recipe that you can mix up at home with essential oils. My family has used this recipe for over two years and we get great compliments from our dentist.
PS: As always - I can only recommend using Young Living essential oils and oil infused products. I can't vouch for the safety and purity of other companies and would never recommend ingesting another companies oils. So when I say "oils" I mean Young Living essential oils.
HOW to purchase Young Living Essential Oils and Oil products:
Young Living has compiled a starter kit of the most commonly used oils and samples of their popular products, and offer this bundle at a discounted rate to get you started. A starter kit includes 12 popular oils, a sample of Thieves Household Cleaner, small bottles to mix your own blends, 2 NingXia Red drink samples, and a diffuser of your choice! They also include lots of informational booklets/magazine/info cards. This is how I got started! To become a Young Living member you must have a current member to Enroll/Sponsor you. Oils come with a learning curve, so your sponsor is there to share their experience and offer ideas to effectively use the oils. I would love to be your sponsor! Enter my sponsor number # 10089755
Purchase your starter kit and get oiling!
Visit GraceFull Day on Twitter our Facebook Page to see how I use the oils.
Have a Gracefull Day Oiler!
Visit GraceFull Day on Twitter our Facebook Page to see how I use the oils.
Have a Gracefull Day Oiler!
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