1st - WHAT Are Essential Oils? - It all starts with a SEED!

A SEED – The Starting Point - WHAT are Essential Oils?

Essential Oils start with a seed. I remember when I first heard of Essential Oils (I was in the seed stage) and I had no idea what oils are or how to use them. 

I always felt we were living a healthy lifestyle with an attempt to honor God by caring for the gifts He graced us with. But when a friend offered use of her bug spray made from Young Living Essential Oils my eyes were opened to a chemical free lifestyle that I did not know existed. I've spent hours reading and researching and experimenting -
here's what I've learned, essentially growing from Seed - to Sprout - to Bloom - to Sharing oils. 

 Essential Oils are the natural organic oils of the plant (pulled from roots, petals, rind, leaf, or bark). – some call oils the ‘lifeblood’ of the plant or the 'essence' of the plant- thus the name essential oils. 

Since Biblical times, oils have been used to support every system in the body including muscular system, skeletal system, circulatory system, endocrine and hormones, respiratory system and immune system. An oil in a diffuser can promote restful sleep and support respiratory function. An oil massaged on the abdomen can support digestion. Oils can be substituted in beauty products, household cleaners, and as a flavoring in food/drinks to replace synthetics and chemicals. 

You can use oil to swap out chemical toxins in your home and live a cleaner/purer lifestyle. This is why I'm hooked on oils!  (Check out my post on MY ‘WHY' Oils story)

Essential oils penetrate cell membranes to travel quickly in the body. Oils are introduced into our bodies the same way as other products:
*Topically- the English primarily add to a bath, rub or massage on the skin which is our largest organ and readily absorbs what we put on it (which is why the Nicoderm and other medication patches work). Oils applied topically reach the bloodstream in 26 seconds.    
*Ingest – the French cook with oils and apply to foods/drinks (some oils are ingestible- check the label first!)
*Inhale – the Germans diffuse oils into the air. This is a very easy way to enjoy the smell and benefits of oils (diffused in the air, sprayed like perfume or sniffed straight from the bottle). I have a locket necklace containing a felt pad that diffuses applied oils throughout the day. Inhaled oils reach the heart, liver, and thyroid in three seconds.

There are over 300 oils, but an average family only needs 10-20 to build a great kit. 

So WHERE do you purchase oils?
As oils are becoming increasingly popular, they are becoming available at local drug stores, big box stores, and online retailers. As you compare products, you’ll begin to find the ones at the stores aren’t just a ‘generic’ version – but in some cases a watered down version. There’s no rating system for Essential Oils in the United States. The closest we get is an FDA requirement that in order to label a bottle of essential “pure” or “therapeutic grade”, the contents of the bottle must contain at least five percent essential oils. 
    ONLY 5%! Which means 95% can be filler. 
Globally, oils are ranked as follows:
-Grade A = Therapeutic oil, made from organically grown plants and distilled at low temperatures.
-Grade B = Oils are food grade but may contain synthetics, pesticides, fertilizers, chemical extenders or carrier oils (like almond, olive or other vegetable oil).
-Grade C = Oils are perfume grade, often containing other chemicals or solvents left over from the harvesting/distilling process and may be diluted 80-95% with alcohol.
-Grade D = This is called ‘floral water’ and is aromatic like an oil but usually a byproduct of a higher grade distillation (the water that is leftover after the oil is pulled out) and is sold to companies that fill bottles with 5% of this water and fill the rest with carrier, and label it as ‘pure’.                                            A fraction of the oil = fraction of the price! 

Another way some companies cut corners is using pesticides (to have more crop to distill), using a chemical solvent to extract oil (so there’s more oil pulled out of the plant) and then diluting with a carrier oil (to stretch the oil they distilled). If you are using oils to support healthy functions, then using a low-grade oil would be as helpful as eating a salad that is 5% greens and 95% croutons. The value is in the oil, not the filler.

WHY Young Living?
Young Living has a “Seed to Seal” guarantee which means they control the process from farm land to the sealed bottle. Founder, Gary Young, said he never makes an oil for profit- but for a purpose. Young Living’s oils are Grade A. They control the seeds used, soil/farms chosen, plants are hand-weeded (no chemical/pesticides), harvested at their peak and put through vigorous testing. Learn more about the process at seedtoseal.com.  

HOW to purchase Young Living Essential Oils and Oil products:
Young Living has compiled a starter kit of the most commonly used oils and samples of their popular products, and offer this bundle at a discounted rate to get you started. Below is a picture of the bundle I started with, and it includes the Home diffuser, 11 oils, sample packaged oils, small bottles to mix your own blends or share the oils, 2 NingXia Red drink samples and lots of informational booklets/magazine/info cards. 
To become a Young Living member you must have a current member to Enroll/Sponsor you. Oils come with a learning curve, so your sponsor is there to share their experience and offer ideas to effectively use the oils.

I would love to be your Young Living sponsor/enroller! 
Enter my sponsor number # 10089755  or just use the link below to sign up.  
Be sure to include your correct email so I can send you a promotional $20 Amazon Gift Card (this is a limited time offer as a promotional to kicking off my Facebook page)! You can use this card right away to order spray bottles, roller bottles, and carrier oils so you'll be ready to oil when your kit arrives!

Watch this video to show you step by step how to sign up and use this link to Purchase your starter kit and get oiling! For more info about how to enroll - see my detailed post of the Pros and Cons of Enrolling with Young Living. 

Visit GraceFull Day on Twitter @Gracefu11_ or Facebook Page @Gracefullday  and my videos on Vimeo to see how I use the oils. 
  Wishing you a Grace Full Day Oiling!!

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